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County Government

Sherburne County

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Election integrity and Security: We need to remove the machines and using hand counted paper ballots with security features that prevent fraud and allow you to check your vote to make sure it was counted and counted correctly.


Constitutionally protected rights: Government decisions need to be made in alignment with the protection of our rights. And we need less Government involvement. We need commissioners who will research, ask hard questions and vote no when those rights are not being upheld.


Communication with the people: We also need more transparency in government. When I tell people I’m running for commissioner the first question they have for me is “What does a commissioner do?” We need more communication from the commissioners in their districts to engage the people. To listen to them, ask what they think should be done and work for solutions together. It is so important to have community involvement especially now that Sherburne County kicking off its Comprehensive Land Use Plan (CLUP) which will forecast out to 2040.


Sherburne County Commissioner candidate for Ward 4 speaking at Wilson park 6/15/2022.

Kari Watkins 6/24/2022Kari Watkins and Emma's Universe
00:00 / 41:27

On 6/24/2022, Sherburne County Commissioner candidate for Ward 4 had the opportunity to visit with Emma DiGallo on her podcast. Check out their conversation here. 

Stearns County

We are looking into the candidates right now to see who aligns with the values of CMFA. If you are aware of someone we need to learn about, please feel free to reach out to us. 

Benton County

We are looking into the candidates right now to see who aligns with the values of CMFA. If you are aware of someone we need to learn about, please feel free to reach out to us. 

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