Advocating for Constitutional Freedoms in Central Minnesota.

Hey There
It's time for CMFA to engage it's youth!
Our YOUTH are eager to make their mark in this world that we share.
It is our responsibility to show them where our Nation came from, instill within them the desire to Protect our Founding Father's vision and to send them on their way in confidence!
Let's bring our YOUTH TOGETHER! Help them discover they are NOT alone in their values - their love of our Nation - and that Patriotism is something to be proud of!

After the youth have found their place and their balance within CMFA's Youth Force, we'll offer some FUN and valuable education so that they can speak with confidence and strength when confronted by ideologies that do not align with a Patriot's belief system.

Our Youth will be UNITED, then they will be EDUCATED,
now we ACTIVATE them! We will bring the youth with us as we do grassroots activities, modeling civic activity as our Founding Fathers envisioned for our Nation.